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Join the Race or Stand on the Sideline

Updated: Sep 28, 2020

You can't do both stand on the sideline and be a competitor in the race, you have to choose.

I have a destination that I'm trying to reach and I have to be apart of this race- the thing that needs to be understood is that there are a lot of racers, but each one has a set goal and destination to the normal eye each destination is the same, that's not true at all to that racer- it's very different and their road getting there was very difficult as well and another racers may have been easy. The person that's on the sideline doesn't understand the difficulty that the racer has had or the ease, but the same can be said about the person on the sideline no one knows why they are there, they think they're lazy they don't want anything better for their life all of that extra, but that isn't true at all. The point I'm trying to make here is that there is a reason and a purpose for everything and every person- get in where you fit in and stay in your lane. We can't do everything, and nobody can do what we can do, but if we all do OUR PART, everything gets done as it should!!!!

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